Simon Pike on life and issue 2

Since May of this year, I've been living in the early nineties. Seriously, becoming a writer for Sega Mania Magazine has enveloped my life and dragged me right back to those crazy days. It's been a bumpy ride filled with nostalgia, discovery and even a bit of sadness. I've barely played a game that was released after 1991 (I think I played a bit of Frostpunk when it had a free weekend on Steam, and a couple of LEGO games with my daughter and that's about it), and I've relived vague memories of partially forgotten news, culture and events while immersing myself in a decade that had an identity all of its own.

With issue one in the bag and the feedback rolling in we all learned loads, and have gone into issue two with valuable experience and a little bit more confidence. Writing for issue one was a great opportunity, and the support we've received has been incredible, but I'm way more excited about issue two. I went in with more of an idea of our identity, and the belief in myself needed to have a bit more fun with my writing.  

I want to say how much I appreciate the team. It's been a pleasure to work with them, and I feel really lucky to have found like-minded individuals who have the knowhow and drive to get something like Sega Mania out there. If everything grinds to a massive halt now, I'll still be happy with what we achieved, and grateful for the experiences I've had. I don't want it to end though. I want it to keep going.

So, issue two. Please, pick it up and give it a read. It's bigger and better than issue one in every way, and 91' saw some really big hitters arrive for Sega, so the excitement levels are through the roof. We've got a new writer on board, and between the four of us we've squished loads of content into those shiny pages. As I already mentioned, the support and feedback for issue one has been incredible, and I'd like to thank everyone who took even a little bit of an interest. I really hope you'll give issue two a try.

With all that said, it's time to return to the present day for a little break now before issue three gets underway. There's a game coming out this month that I've been waiting for (Tales of Arise, if you're interested) and real-life responsibilities to take care of. No doubt I'll be neck-deep in the 90's again before long. I wonder what 1992 will bring...
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